Wednesday, March 31, 2010

King of the Playground

Here's The Hunter, as Elie calls him, climbing the stairs and going down the big slide at the park all by himself. I have taught hime how to go down on his belly so we can avoid him launching himself head first down the slide.

Walking w/ Push Toy

Hunter has been practicing walking w/ his push toy. We love it when he goes fast enough to make the little alligators clack.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Playing in the Front Yard

Here's my little man soaking up some vitamin D and exploring in the front yard.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

11 Months Old

The Boy turned 11 months old on Monday! He is getting so big! Here are a few photos of him over the last week or so.
At the airport, on the way to Denver.

Playing w/ his buddy Joey @ Joey's 1st b-day.

Enjoying his first sucker - yummy!

Chillin' in the car seat!

Elie Belly

We were in Denver buying a new house and staying w/ Maggs, Jimmy & Elie. Here are two cute photos of my gorgeous neice!